Tips to Make Your Indoor Plants Thrive in Springs

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Every year, the spring season brings with it a motivation to overhaul the garden for the bright season. Similar to outdoor plants, indoor ones also require attention and love in this season. Want to take better care of your plants? Here are some tips.

Best Time to Repot

During its growth, plants consume nutrients from the potting soil. Repotting the soil gives nutrients back to the soil while encouraging more growth. Use a big pot to help the plant flourish well.

Best Time to Fertilize

After the hibernating winter season, indoor plants get awake and are ready to develop. And plants need feed just like humans. A quality, slow-release fertilizer will nourish the plants as well as promote the growth and health of indoor plants.

Re-adjust Water Requirements of the Plant

In the spring season, light and temperature levels increase. Thus, it becomes essential to adjust the water feed according to the changing needs for optimal health of plants. Give water to the indoor plants when they feel dry. Put your finger in the soil or use a water meter for a dryness check. Make sure plants get the water deep and get time to dry out.

Foliage Care

It is essential to take care of the foliage of your plant that, in turn, helps plants to stay healthy as well as free from diseases and pests. Clean the leaves with a damp cloth so that the plant gets clean air. Spring is the perfect time to treat indoor plants with the best anti-disease and pest care products.

Follow the above tips to keep your indoor plants healthy. Also, trim them so they retain their beautiful shape. Or consult with a professional plant hire in Melbourne to take care of your indoor plants.