The benefits of dental fillings for oral health and overall wellbeing

Dental fillings are a common procedure that can be used to repair cavities in teeth and they are an important part of maintaining good oral health. They can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, and ceramic, and they offer a range of benefits for oral health and overall well-being.

Benefits of Dental Fillings 

Prevent Tooth Decay: Dental fillings are used to fill in cavities and prevent further tooth decay. The filling material acts as a barrier between the cavity and the rest of the tooth, protecting it from further damage. This helps to prevent tooth decay from spreading and ultimately saves the tooth from having to be extracted.

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Restore Tooth Structure: Dental fillings can also be used to restore the structure of a tooth that has been eroded or damaged by decay. The filling material can be used to rebuild the tooth, making it look and function like it did before the decay occurred.

Reduce Pain: When a cavity is filled, the pain associated with the decay is reduced. This is because the filling material seals off the area, preventing bacteria and food particles from getting inside and causing further irritation.

Maintain Oral Health: Dental fillings can also help to maintain good oral health. By filling cavities, the risk of tooth decay is reduced and it also helps to prevent the spread of bacteria and infection. This can help to reduce the risk of gum disease and other oral health issues.

Improve Aesthetics: Dental fillings can also be used to improve the aesthetics of a person’s smile. The filling material can be color matched to the natural shade of the tooth, making it look more natural and less noticeable.